Answered the call

15 years ago, I answered the calling on my life. Some have asked me, "how do you know it was your calling?", And I always answer, " I could feel and hear it in my heart. There was this urge to follow something bigger than me." I had no training to be a missionary. I did not know what I was supposed to do. But I knew God would show me and lead me every step of the way. As my family first started out in a little room on the Ranch teaching English we grew from 2-3 people to 15. That's when the Lord showed me that all He wanted me to do was go out and pour His love and show the people how much He loved them. We are so blessed to say that we have been doing that now full time for 15 years! I want to thank each and everyone of you who have supported us and helped us along the way over the last 15 years to stay in the mission field. Without your support and God's mercy none of this would have been possible. Please join us in praying for God's grace and mercy to continue covering us as we keep spreading His love.
